Five Killed In Nigerian Explosions

Posted June 8th, 2011 at 12:30 am (UTC-5)
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Nigerian police say multiple bomb attacks by a radical Muslim sect killed at least five people in the country's northeast Tuesday.

Police say members of the group Boko Haram set off bombs at two police stations and a church in the town of Maiduguru.

Earlier Tuesday, police blamed the Boko Haram for the shooting death of a rival cleric in the town of Biu, north of Maiduguru.

Authorities said gunmen riding motorcycles killed Sheik Ibrahim Birkuti outside his home.

Birkuti had been critical of Boko Haram's use of violence, which has largely taken place in Borno state.

The group is fighting to establish Islamic law across Nigeria. Its name means “western education is sinful.”