Former NY Police Commissioner to Advise Britain on Unrest

Posted August 12th, 2011 at 8:55 pm (UTC-5)
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The office of British Prime Minister David Cameron says former New York police commissioner William Bratton has agreed to act as an unpaid consultant to British authorities on how to curb street violence.

The announcement Friday follows several days of riots that erupted in London and other cities across Britain. The violence was originally touched off by the fatal shooting of a 29-year-old man in London's economically depressed Tottenham neighborhood.

Authorities have arrested more than 1,700 people across the country, and courts have been busy dealing with a massive backlog of cases. Five people were killed in the violence.

Prime Minister Cameron has said he would look to the United States for solutions to gang violence and seek advice from U.S. cities that have fought gangs, including Boston, Los Angeles and New York.

Bratton now chairs New York-based security firm, Kroll. After hearing he might be contacted about the position, Bratton said in a statement that he would be honored to provide his counsel to the prime minister. The terms and conditions of the arrangement were being discussed.

Bratton also has served as Boston police commissioner, chief of the Los Angeles Police Department and chief of the New York City Transit Police.