Former Japanese Spokesman Edano Assumes Nuclear Oversight Role

Posted September 12th, 2011 at 1:36 am (UTC-5)
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Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on Monday named Yukio Edano as economy, trade and industry minister, replacing Yoshio Hachiro who stepped down last week after an embarrassing gaffe.

Edano served until late last month as chief government spokesman. He was the main person responsible for informing the public about developments during the crisis at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Hachiro resigned Saturday because of comments deemed insensitive to those forced to flee their homes in Fukushima, which he described as a “town of death.” He went on to joke with reporters that he would infect them with radiation from his clothing upon his return from a visit to Fukushima.

Hachiro was appointed with the rest of Mr. Noda's Cabinet just eight days earlier. The resignation was a setback for the new government.

Edano's new responsibilities include oversight of nuclear safety guidelines as Japan works to control the world's worst nuclear disaster in 25 years.

He was chief Cabinet secretary in the government of former prime minister Naoto Kan. Mr. Kan stepped down late last month amid widespread public disapproval of his handling of Japan's March 11 earthquake and the Fukushima disaster.