Venezuela’s Chavez Expects 1 More Round of Chemotherapy

Posted September 13th, 2011 at 8:06 pm (UTC-5)
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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he will likely undergo a fourth round of chemotherapy in his battle with cancer, and that it should be his final round.

President Chavez made the comment Tuesday in Caracas during an interview with a television station. Mr. Chavez recently completed his third round of treatment in Venezuela. He underwent the first two rounds in Cuba, where doctors removed a cancerous tumor from his pelvic area in June.

The Venezuelan leader says he expects to be fully recovered in order to serve as host of a regional summit taking place in Caracas December 2. Mr. Chavez also has said previously that he will be fit and ready to run for reelection next year. He has been in power since 1999 and is seeking another six-year term.

Also Tuesday, Venezuelan electoral officials announced that the balloting has been scheduled for October 7, 2012. Prior to that, an opposition candidate is expected to be chosen during a primary due to be held February 12.