Japanese NGOs Protest Funding for Whale Harvest

Posted December 7th, 2011 at 1:40 pm (UTC-5)
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The environmental group Greenpeace says 18 Japanese non-governmental organizations have signed an open letter protesting Japan's move to use nearly $30 million in earthquake and tsunami relief funding to boost security measures for its Antarctic whale harvest.

As news of the letter spread Wednesday, an official with Japan's Fisheries Agency said the funding for extra whaling fleet security is aimed at ensuring safer hunts. He told the French news agency the expenditure will also help coastal towns dependent on the whale harvest to recover from the March 11 twin disasters.

Greenpeace accused the government of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda of siphoning money from disaster victims at a time such funding is needed the most. Greenpeace called the whaling program “shameful” and a “black mark” on Japan's international reputation.

The mounting criticism came as Japan's whaling fleet left port Wednesday for the Antarctic hunt. In past years, environmental activists have tried to disrupt the hunt, prompting fears of a potentially fatal accident.

The Japanese Coast Guard said earlier it would deploy an unspecified number of vessels to protect this year's expedition.