Smaller Protests on Last Day of Summit

Posted May 21st, 2012 at 1:45 pm (UTC-5)
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On the last day of the NATO summit in Chicago, protesters held more demonstrations a day after clashing with authorities.

A VOA reporter at the scene estimated about 120 demonstrated Monday at the headquarters of aerospace giant Boeing, much smaller than the weekend protest that brought thousands into the streets.

At least 45 protesters were arrested Sunday when thousands protested the war in Afghanistan, economic inequality, and other issues.

The demonstrations were largely peaceful until late in the day, when some of the protesters tried to push through a line of police keeping them from the convention center, where leaders and delegates from 50 countries were meeting.

Police in riot gear used batons to respond to the demonstrators after several protesters threw bottles and other objects at the officers. Four officers reportedly suffered minor injuries in the clashes.

Earlier, police said two men were in custody on charges of planning to make bombs for use during the NATO meetings.

Those arrests followed terrorism charges against three other men Saturday for possession of explosive devices. Police say the three plotted to attack President Barack Obama's campaign headquarters in Chicago, the home of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and other targets.