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Obama: Urgent Action Needed On Debt Deal

Posted July 11th, 2011 at 11:45 am (UTC-5)
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U.S. President Barack Obama says it is time to set aside politics and make a deal with both parties in Congress that will allow the United States to keep borrowing money, while cutting government deficits and debt. At a news conference Monday in Washington, Mr. Obama said he will meet with opposition Republicans and his […]

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Obama: Failure to Reach Compromise Could Trigger Recession

Posted July 11th, 2011 at 11:40 am (UTC-5)
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President Obama says congressional leaders from both political parties will have to compromise in order to reach agreement on the debt and deficit. Mr. Obama says he is prepared to take on significant criticism from his Democratic Party to reach an agreement. But he says he does not see a path to a deal if […]

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Obama: Daily Meetings Until Debt-Deficit Agreement

Posted July 11th, 2011 at 11:25 am (UTC-5)
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President Barack Obama says meetings with Congress will happen “every single day” until an agreement is reached on the debt and deficit. At a White House news conference Monday, the president said congressional leaders agree that it is not acceptable to allow the United States to default on its debt by not raising the debt […]

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Workers Strike at Chile Copper Mine

Posted July 11th, 2011 at 10:55 am (UTC-5)
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Workers at Chile’s Codelco copper mine are holding a nationwide 24-hour strike to protest modernization plans that union leaders say could lead to the loss of hundreds of jobs. The work stoppage is the first in nearly 18 years at the state-owned mine. It involves workers at Codelco’s sites across the country, including at the […]

Obama, Congressional Leaders Meet for Debt Reduction Talks

Posted July 11th, 2011 at 9:25 am (UTC-5)
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U.S. President Barack Obama and opposition Republicans are scheduled to resume tense negotiations Monday over proposed budget cuts and tax increases intended to cope with trillions of dollars in debt. They face a fast-approaching August 2 deadline to reach an agreement or face an unprecedented default on U.S. debt. An unusual Sunday negotiating session between […]

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Buenos Aires Mayor Faces Run-Off

Posted July 10th, 2011 at 6:55 pm (UTC-5)
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The mayor of Buenos Aires, Argentina appears headed for a run-off, after getting the most votes in mayoral elections widely viewed as a test of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s re-election hopes. Official results from Sunday’s vote are not available, but exit polls indicate the incumbent mayor, Mauricio Macri, and Senator Daniel Filmus, the government […]

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Argentine Capital Holds Mayoral Elections

Posted July 10th, 2011 at 3:10 pm (UTC-5)
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Residents of Argentina’s capital have gone to the polls in mayoral elections widely viewed as a test of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner’s re-election hopes. Buenos Aires’ incumbent mayor, Mauricio Macri, is expected to win Sunday’s vote, but fall short of the majority needed to avoid a July 31 runoff. The businessman and former head […]

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Boehner to Seek Smaller Debt Reduction Deal

Posted July 10th, 2011 at 12:25 am (UTC-5)
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Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner says he is abandoning efforts to reach a larger, comprehensive debt reduction deal with the White House. Boehner said Saturday he had reached the conclusion because the “White House will not pursue a bigger debt reduction agreement without tax hikes.” Both parties had sought to reach […]

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Boehner to Seek Smaller Debt Reduction Deal

Posted July 9th, 2011 at 11:40 pm (UTC-5)
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Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives John Boehner says he is abandoning efforts to reach a larger, comprehensive debt reduction deal with the White House. Boehner said in a statement Saturday he had reached the conclusion because the “White House will not pursue a bigger debt reduction agreement without tax hikes.” Both parties had […]

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At Least 40 Killed in Mexico in 24 Hours

Posted July 9th, 2011 at 6:15 pm (UTC-5)
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Mexican security officials say at least 40 people have been killed across the country in a 24-hour period. Police found the bodies of seven men and three women in the northern city of Torreon on Saturday. Police have not said if they have suspects yet. But Coahuila state, where Torreon is located, is a battleground […]

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