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18 Dead, 5 Missing in China Mine Blast

Posted November 25th, 2012 at 2:25 am (UTC-5)
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China’s official news agency says 18 people were killed and at least five remain missing after an explosion in a coal mine. The Xinhua news agency reported that there were 28 workers underground Saturday in the state-owned Xiangshi coal mine in southeastern Guizhou province when the coal and gas explosion hit at about 11 a.m. […]

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Report Blames Management for Pike River Mine Disaster

Posted November 5th, 2012 at 2:55 am (UTC-5)
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A probe into a New Zealand coal mine explosion that killed 29 people in 2010, blames the operator for neglecting safety standards and putting workers at risk. A royal commission into the blast at the Pike River colliery on November 19, 2010, said on Monday that the South Island mine had consistently recorded dangerously high […]

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South African Police Raid Mine Workers’ Hostel

Posted September 15th, 2012 at 6:45 am (UTC-5)
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Witnesses say South African police have fired tear gas and rubber bullets on mine workers gathered in a shantytown near Marikana, after carrying out early-morning raids on worker hostels where they seized a number of weapons. The latest violence came a day after the government vowed to crack down on illegal gatherings and strikers carrying […]

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Coal Mine Blast Kills 37 in China

Posted August 30th, 2012 at 11:25 pm (UTC-5)
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A gas explosion at a coal mine in southern China has killed at least 37 miners. Officials say 107 miners have been rescued since the blast late Wednesday in Sichuan province. State media reported another 10 people were still trapped underground Thursday as rescue operations continued. Police were questioning the mine’s owner. Nearly 2,000 people […]

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Coal Mine Blast Kills 26 in China

Posted August 30th, 2012 at 9:15 pm (UTC-5)
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A gas explosion at a coal mine in southern China has killed at least 26 miners. Officials say 107 miners have been rescued after the blast late Wednesday in Sichuan province. State media reported another 21 people were still trapped underground Thursday as rescue operations continued. Police were questioning the mine’s owner. Nearly 2,000 people […]

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Coal Mine Blast Kills 19 in China

Posted August 30th, 2012 at 3:10 am (UTC-5)
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A gas explosion at a coal mine in southern China has killed at least 19 miners. Officials say more than 100 miners have been rescued after the blast late Wednesday in Sichuan province. State media reported another 28 people were still trapped underground Thursday as rescue operations continued. Police were questioning the mine’s owner. Nearly […]

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South African Mine Owner Softens Dismissal Threats

Posted August 21st, 2012 at 6:10 am (UTC-5)
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The owner of a South African platinum mine has softened its demands for striking workers to return to the job, saying those who fail to report Tuesday will be punished, but not necessarily fired. Lonmin PLC had originally told workers to return Monday or face dismissal, but extended the deadline to Tuesday in light of […]

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South African Mine Reopens Following Strike, Clashes

Posted August 20th, 2012 at 10:35 am (UTC-5)
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The South African platinum mine where police killed 44 people last week has reopened, with its owner extending a deadline for striking workers to return. Lonmin PLC said in a statement that work at its Marikana mine resumed Monday with about one-third of 28,000 employees reporting to their jobs. The company had said striking workers […]

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South African Mine Owner Warns Striking Workers to Return

Posted August 20th, 2012 at 2:40 am (UTC-5)
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The owner of a South African mine where police killed 34 people last week says striking workers must return to the job Monday or face being fired. Lonmin PLC said in a statement Sunday that the deadline is a “final ultimatum.” About 3,000 people have joined the strike since August 10 to demand higher wages. […]

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Crowd Rallies Near Site of South African Mine Shooting

Posted August 18th, 2012 at 3:35 pm (UTC-5)
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Several thousand demonstrators have rallied near the site of the South African mine where 34 people were killed Thursday when police opened fire on striking workers. Demonstrators sang and shouted chants on Saturday as speakers addressed the crowd in Marikana township, northwest of Johannesburg. Authorities continue to investigate Thursday’s shooting. National police chief Riah Phiyega […]

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