Syrian Warplanes Bomb Damascus Suburbs

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 3:50 pm (UTC-5)
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Syrian fighter jets bombed the Damascus suburbs Sunday, killing at least nine people, including a number of children, in a government offensive to dislodge rebels from strategic areas around the capital.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the deaths occurred when a shell exploded in the eastern Ghouta district on the outskirts of the capital.

Video footage showed women weeping near the dismembered bodies of children lying in a muddy field near an air base on the edge of the town of Muleiha.

A report by the opposition Damascus Media Center said as many as 36 people were killed in Sunday's bombardment, including 14 children. A member of the group said Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces were targeting civilian areas to try to weaken support for the rebels.

The account could not be independently confirmed.

Rebels have been attacking the Muleiha base for days and the army has fired hundreds of rockets on the town in response.

Clashes also raged around army bases and airfields in northern Syria.

Meanwhile, Russia urged the rebels to make counter-proposals to those made by Mr. Assad in a recent speech to start a dialogue that could end the fighting.

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Sunday that if he were “in the opposition's place,” he would come up with ideas in response on how to establish a dialogue.

He repeated Russia's position that the opposition's demand for Mr. Assad to quit could not be a precondition for peace talks to end the 21-month conflict that has killed at least 60,000 people.

India Police Arrest Six in Another Gang Rape Case

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 9:40 am (UTC-5)
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Police in India say they have arrested six men accused of raping a woman after abducting her on a passenger bus, weeks after a similar gang rape of a female student shocked the nation.

Authorities say the 29-year-old victim was the only passenger on the bus as she was travelling to her village in northern Punjab state late Friday.

According to the victim, the driver drove her to a desolate location, where he, the conductor and five friends took turns raping her before dropping her off at her village early Saturday.

Police arrested six suspects in the case after the woman filed a complaint Saturday. A police spokesman says the men have confessed to the crime.

Meanwhile, five of the six suspects accused of brutally raping a 23-year-old woman after luring her and her male friend on a bus in New Delhi last month are set to go to trial in a fast-track court. The sixth suspect is under 18 and will be tried separately in a juvenile court.

The expedited proceedings are in response to public outrage over the brutality of the attack. The defendants are accused of beating the couple with an iron rod and using the rod during the sexual assault of the woman.

The unidentified victim died of her severe internal injuries on December 29 in a Singapore hospital, where she had been taken for treatment.

The lawyer for three of the suspects says his clients will plead not guilty and that police used force to gain confessions from them.

M.L. Sharma spoke to reporters Thursday on the way to a closed-door hearing in New Delhi. He said police manipulated the evidence to make his clients appear guilty.

Two of the accused, in an effort to receive lighter sentences, have told the court that they want to become witnesses for the prosecution.

Indian authorities have charged the men with murder, rape, kidnapping and other charges. Officials say they will push for the death penalty, if the men are convicted.

The woman's rape and death sparked outrage across the country. Protesters have called for tougher rape laws, major police reforms and a transformation in the way India treats women.

Israel Vows to Build in West Bank Site After Evicting Protesters

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 9:20 am (UTC-5)
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Israel's prime minister has vowed to move ahead with settlement building in a Palestinian-claimed area near Jerusalem after Israeli security forces evicted more than 100 Palestinian protesters from the site.

In an interview on Israeli radio Sunday, Benjamin Netanyahu said “there will construction” in the disputed E-1 zone between Israeli occupied East Jerusalem and the major West Bank Jewish settlement of Maaleh Adumim. But, he said it will take time for Israel to complete the planning process for thousands of housing units.

Israeli security personnel entered the zone before dawn Sunday and removed dozens of Palestinians who had set up tents on Friday to protest the proposed settlement project. Mr. Netanyahu told a Cabinet meeting that he ordered the eviction to prevent anyone from harming what he called Israel's claim to territorial “contiguity” between Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim.

Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future state that they say should include all of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, including the E-1 zone. Palestinian activists said some protesters were hurt as Israeli authorities forcibly cleared the disputed site. They also vowed to continue their protests against the settlement plan.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the eviction process was completed without anyone being injured. He also said all of the Palestinian protesters were released.

The protesters obtained an Israeli Supreme Court injunction on Friday, preventing Israeli authorities from removing their tent camp in E-1. The Israeli government later declared the site a closed military zone and said the court ruling did not block the removal of the protesters.

Palestinians say the proposed E-1 settlement's location at the center of the West Bank would make it impossible for them to form a state with viable borders and would block Arab access to East Jerusalem. Much of the international community also has criticized the Israeli plan, calling it an obstacle to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Israeli supporters of E-1 say it would not obstruct an independent Palestine's connection to Jerusalem through Arab districts such as Abu Dis. They also say it would not prevent the northern and southern parts of the West Bank from being connected by a corridor at least 15 kilometers wide — about the same as Israel's narrowest waistline between the Mediterranean coast and the West Bank.

Thousands March in Russia to Protest Adoption Ban

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 9:00 am (UTC-5)
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Thousands of people marched through Moscow Sunday to protest a law banning Americans from adopting Russian children.

Protesters carried posters with photographs of lawmakers who voted in favor of the law late last month. The word 'shame' was written across their portraits in red.

The protest march, which was permitted by Russian authorities, was organized by opposition leaders who led demonstrations against the re-election of Russian President Vladimir Putin a year ago.

The law banning Americans from adopting Russian children was widely viewed as a retaliatory measure against U.S. passage of a visa ban targeting Russians accused of being linked to human rights violations.

Opponents of the Russian adoption law say its main victims are not Americans but Russian orphans who will now lose the chance to find new families.

Ashraf Meets With Shi’ites Refusing to Bury Their Dead

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 7:15 am (UTC-5)
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Pakistan's prime minister has flown to the southwestern city of Quetta to meet with the Shi'ite families holding a protest alongside the coffins containing the bodies of family members killed in one of the country's worst sectarian attacks.

Raja Pervez Ashraf flew to Quetta Sunday, the third day of protests, following the bomb blasts Thursday that killed nearly 100 people.

Refusal to bury the dead is an extreme protest in Islamic society, where the deceased are normally buried within hours of their deaths.

Police say the bombings targeted an area of Quetta occupied mainly by ethnic Hazaras, who are Shi'ite Muslims. The outlawed militant Sunni group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the attacks.

A separate bomb blast Thursday in Quetta killed 12 people, mostly security personnel. Militant Baluch nationalists claimed responsibility for that attack.

Another explosion Thursday in northwestern Pakistan killed more than 20 Muslim missionaries.

Attacks on Pakistani Shi'ites have been increasing steadily. One Shi'ite leader in Quetta criticized Pakistan's army chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, for failing to halt the killings.

The violence and criticism of the government and security forces come as Pakistan is gearing up for national elections expected in a few months.

Shi'ites comprise about 20 percent of Pakistan's mostly Sunni Muslim population of 160 million people.

Blast Kills 14 Pakistani Soldiers

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 6:55 am (UTC-5)
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Pakistan officials say a roadside bomb blast in a tribal region near the Afghan border has killed 14 Pakistani soldiers and wounded at least 21 others.

Authorities say the explosion Sunday hit a military convoy in North Waziristan, the main sanctuary for al-Qaida and Taliban militants in Pakistan.

There has been no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack near Dosalli village.

Egyptian Court Orders Retrial for Mubarak

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 6:35 am (UTC-5)
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An Egyptian court has ordered a retrial of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, who is serving a life sentence.

The court on Sunday granted the 84-year-old former leader a new trial, several months after he was convicted for conspiracy in the killing of hundreds of protesters during an uprising that ended his three-decade rule in 2011.

The appeals court ruled Mubarak's former interior minister, Habib el-Adly, who is serving a life sentence, will also face a new trial, as will Mubarak's two sons, Gamal and Alaa. They are all to remain in detention because they are facing other charges.

New trial dates have yet to be set. The charges against Mubarak are reported to be the same as those that led to a life sentence last June.

The court's ruling in Cairo was met with cries of “long live justice” by Mubarak supporters.

Dozens of the former leader's supporters have gathered outside the military hospital where he has been held after hearing news the appeal was granted.

Sunday's ruling came one day after a prosecutor placed a new detention order on Mubarak about gifts worth about $1 million received from Egypt's top newspaper Al-Ahram. He was ordered detained for 15 days pending an investigation on the new charges.

The ailing Mubarak was moved from prison last month to a military hospital after breaking his ribs in a fall.

7 Civilians Killed in Afghan Mosque Blast

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 5:25 am (UTC-5)
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Afghan officials say a bomb blast has killed seven civilians who were in a mosque retrieving the bodies of four Taliban insurgents killed by joint NATO and Afghan forces in a night raid.

Authorities in Wardak province say the civilians were killed Sunday morning in the rubble of a village mosque, following the raid.

A provincial spokesman said the insurgents were wearing suicide vests, but it was not immediately clear what caused the explosion that killed the civilians.

Night raids and civilian casualties have been major sources of friction between Kabul and its Western backers, and have led to large protests and considerable violence.

Ashraf Meets With Shi’ites Refusing to Bury Their Dead

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 4:45 am (UTC-5)
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Pakistan's prime minister has flown to the southwestern city of Quetta to meet with the Shi'ite families holding a protest alongside the coffins containing the bodies of family members killed in one of the country's worst sectarian attacks.

Raja Pervez Ashraf flew to Quetta Sunday, the third day of protests, following the bomb blasts Thursday that killed nearly 100 people.

Refusal to bury the dead is an extreme protest in Islamic society, where the deceased are normally buried within hours of their deaths.

Police say the bombings targeted an area of Quetta occupied mainly by ethnic Hazaras, who are Shi'ite Muslins. The outlawed militant Sunni group Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claimed responsibility for the attacks.

A separate bomb blast Thursday in Quetta killed 12 people, mostly security personnel. Militant Baluch nationalists claimed responsibility for that attack.

Another explosion Thursday in northwestern Pakistan killed more than 20 Muslim missionaries.

Attacks on Pakistani Shi'ites have been increasing steadily. One Shi'ite leader in Quetta criticized Pakistan's army chief, General Ashfaq Kayani, for failing to halt the killings.

The violence and criticism of the government and security forces come as Pakistan is gearing up for national elections expected in a few months.

Shi'ites comprise about 20 percent of Pakistan's mostly Sunni Muslim population of 160 million people.

Egyptian Court Orders Retrial for Mubarak

Posted January 13th, 2013 at 4:30 am (UTC-5)
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An Egyptian court has ordered a retrial of ousted president Hosni Mubarak, who is serving a life sentence.

The court on Sunday granted Mubarak's appeal, several months after he was convicted for failing to prevent the killing of hundreds of protesters during an uprising that ended his three-decade rule in 2011.

Mubarak's security chief, Habib el-Adly, will also face a new trial. He, too, is serving a life sentence.

The French news agency reports that the court's ruling in Cairo was met with cries of “long live justice” by Mubarak supporters.


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