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Chinese Social Network YY Reaches 400 Million Users

Posted November 20th, 2012 at 8:20 am (UTC-4)
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Under the leadership of an ambitious CEO, is quietly becoming one of the world’s largest and most innovative social networks. Ross Slutsky | Atlanta GA David Li might not be a household name in the West yet, but that may soon change.  Li runs the massive social network, and has developed a business […]

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The Largest Social Network You’ve Never Heard Of

Posted August 20th, 2012 at 2:37 pm (UTC-4)

The story of a tech giant overlooked by the West raises questions about streaming video, virtual currency, the digital divide, and how people use the Internet in other countries. Ross Slutsky | Washington DC  310 million registered users. Up to 8.45 million people using the site concurrently. 421 billion minutes of voice transferred in 2011. […]

Are We All Facebook Stalkers?

Posted July 9th, 2012 at 3:51 pm (UTC-4)

A Different Perspective On A Common Phrase Over the years, we’ve run stories warning of the dangers of social networks; of “over-sharing” and eroding personal privacy. One aspect previously addressed is the phenomena often called “cyber-stalking.” We stand second to no one in warning of the genuine threat stalkers pose, regardless of whether they track […]

Does Social Media Help or Hurt Terrorism?

Posted January 21st, 2012 at 2:03 am (UTC-4)

Conflicting Claims About Terrorists’ Use of the Internet Doug Bernard | Washington DC The recent headlines were enough to concern even the most cynical reader. “Terrorist groups recruiting through social media,” blared the headline at the CBC’s website.  “Social Media Gave Terrorist Groups Second Wind,” read the report at “Terrorists making ‘friends’ on Facebook,” […]

Are Teens Meaner Online?

Posted November 10th, 2011 at 8:47 pm (UTC-4)

A New Look at Teens and Online Behavior If it seems like just about every teenager living in the United States is on the Internet, that’s because nearly every one of them is. An astounding 95% of teens aged 12-17 are now online, and over 80% of those teens are using social networking sites like […]

More Internet, Less Freedom?

Posted April 18th, 2011 at 4:36 pm (UTC-4)
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The Web’s Spread Doesn’t Mean A Freer Internet This is the story of “Ammar” and his online activities in Tunisia just before the recent fall of the government of Zine El-Abidine Ben Ali.  It’s a tale of how social networks, and the spread of the Internet, have come to play a significant role in the […]

The Web Reacts to a Tsunami – pt. II

Posted March 16th, 2011 at 2:02 pm (UTC-4)

Online Information – Good and Bad – About Japan’s Crises As Japan responds to multiple and worsening crises, the Internet is proving to be a helpful, but  sometimes confounding, tool. Thousands of Japanese are dead and many more missing, following the earthquake and tsunami on March 11.  Hundreds of thousands more are homeless or in […]

Alone, Together

Posted March 1st, 2011 at 5:58 pm (UTC-4)
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How the Internet Separates As Well As Connects The survey results should have been stunning. Last year, the Oxygen Media Group asked women about their relationships online and in the real world.  Well over half – 57 percent – said they communicate more by Internet than face-to-face.  39 percent called themselves “Facebook addicts,” and a […]

Taking Credit Where It’s Due

Posted February 25th, 2011 at 1:54 pm (UTC-4)

Are Social Networks Inherently Democratizing? “Libya is not Egypt, it is not Tunisia.”  It’s an observation recently made by many – no less in this quote than by Saif  al-Islam, son of Libyan autocrat Moammar Gadhafi. Unlike Tunisia, there’s less national and more tribal identity in Libya.  Unlike Egypt, there are no strong Libyan institutions […]

Look Who Wants To Be Facebook Friends

Posted February 18th, 2011 at 3:57 pm (UTC-4)
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And Bloggers Pay the Price for Free Speech Online Periodically we like to share a few of the stories and posts from across the web that caught our eye.  There are no editorial threads implied connecting these items together, other than being interesting. #1 Terrorists Move to Social Media.  The open-source group Public Intelligence recently […]

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What’s Digital Frontiers?

The Internet, mobile phones, tablet computers and other digital devices are transforming our lives in fundamental and often unpredictable ways. “Digital Frontiers” investigates how real world concepts like privacy, identity, security and freedom are evolving in the virtual world.

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