Cecily Hilleary
Cecily began her reporting career in the 1990s, covering US Middle East policy for an English-language network in the UAE. She has lived and/or worked in the Middle East, North Africa and Gulf, consulting and producing for several regional radio and television networks and production houses, including MBC, Al-Arabiya, the former Emirates Media Incorporated and Al-Ikhbaria. She brings to VOA a keen understanding of global social, cultural and political issues.

All posts by Cecily Hilleary

World Press Freedom Day 2014: Honoring the Silenced

Posted May 2nd, 2014 at 4:23 pm (UTC+0)
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Saturday, May 3 marks World Press Freedom Day, the day the United Nations has set aside to recognize the value of freedom of expression, and the sacrifices journalists across the world make every day to achieve this freedom. Reporters Without Borders is profiling 100 “Information Heroes” on its website and in social media, using the […]

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Russia: Cracking Down On Dissenting Bloggers

Posted April 23rd, 2014 at 11:06 am (UTC+0)

Russia’s State Duma has just adopted a new bill which if enacted would broadly restrict the rights of all high-profile bloggers and social media users by treating them, in essence, as mass media outlets. The new law, billed as a measure against terrorism, will apply to anyone whose blogs or personal websites attract 3,000 or […]

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Russia Ends VOA Radio Broadcasts

Posted April 11th, 2014 at 1:45 pm (UTC+0)

In one more example of escalating tensions between Washington and Moscow over Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Russia has cut off all programming by the Voice of America, a move which the Broadcasting Board of Governors, the organization that oversees VOA, has strongly condemned. The decision was delivered in a curt, one-sentence letter from Dmitry Kiselyov, […]

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China: Woman Activist Detained For Role in Exposing Prison Camp Abuses

Posted April 7th, 2014 at 2:11 pm (UTC+0)
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A woman activist whose efforts helped end China’s “Re-education Through Labor” (RTL) in late 2013 has been arrested and charged with “picking quarrels and making trouble.” Between 2006 and 2011, Liu Hua served three terms in the Masanjia Women’s “Re-education Through Labor” (RTL) camp as punishment for her efforts to blow the whistle on corruption in […]

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CAUSE: Collaborating to Beat Big Brother

Posted April 4th, 2014 at 6:22 pm (UTC+0)
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  More and more journalists, netizens and dissidents are ending up in prison after their online communications are intercepted. The adoption of a legal framework that protects online freedoms is essential, both as regards the overall issue of Internet surveillance and the particular problem of firms that export surveillance products. Grégoire Pouget, Reporters Without Borders. […]

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Russia: Enforced Psychiatric ‘Treatment’ for Activist

Posted March 31st, 2014 at 1:24 pm (UTC+0)
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A troubling report from Index on Censorship this morning:  A 39 year-old activist arrested in 2012 for taking part in a protest in Moscow could be spending the rest of his life in a state-owned hospital. Last week, Mikhail Kosenko lost his appeal case against enforced psychiatric treatment and was sent to a hospital for […]

Egypt: Journalist, Three Others Killed in Friday Protests

Posted March 28th, 2014 at 3:35 pm (UTC+0)
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[View the story “Reporter #Mayada_Ashraf Dies Covering Cairo Protests” on Storify]

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Ukraine – Russia: Media Wars

Posted March 27th, 2014 at 8:14 pm (UTC+0)
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  As tensions escalate between Russia and Ukraine over Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Russia has slammed Kyiv over the decision to suspend broadcast licenses of several Russian state television networks, a move that led Ukrainian cable companies to dump a number of Russian TV channels from their line-ups. Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry’s commissioner […]

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Turkey Bans Twitter Ahead of March Elections

Posted March 21st, 2014 at 12:04 pm (UTC+0)

In an astonishing move aimed at curbing the spread of information ahead of March 30 presidential elections, Turkey’s courts have blocked Twitter.  The move came within hours of comments made by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to supporters during a campaign rally: “Twitter, mwitter!,” Erdogan told supporters at a rally late on Thursday.  That’s a […]

Afghanistan: Swedish Journalist Killed in Kabul

Posted March 11th, 2014 at 4:08 pm (UTC+0)

Swedish Radio today is mourning the loss of its South Asia correspondent.  Nils Horner, 51, was gunned down in the streets of Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul.  Swedish Radio’s Director-General Cilla Benkö called today one of the worst days in the corporation’s history. According to a statement released by Afghan police, Horner was shot several times in […]

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About rePRESSEDed

VOA reporter Cecily Hilleary monitors the state of free expression and free speech around the world.



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