‘Medieval Warm Period’ May Not Have Been Global Climate Event
Some of those who argue against human causation of climate change often point to a number of Earth’s past climatic events and periods such as the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ and the ‘Little Ice Age’ as examples that climate change can be the result of natural and not necessarily anthropogenic in origin. But now a new study published in the journal ‘Science […]
November 2015 Science Images
Phobos May Shatter; Study: Poles Won’t Flip; Webb Space Telescope
Mars May Shatter its Largest Moon Scientists in California have found that the largest moon of Mars, Phobos, is slowly inching closer to Mars. They predict that once the gravity of Mars finally overpowers Phobos, in about 20 to 40 million years, the moon will probably be shredded to bits. The scientists from the University […]
Study: Ancient Forests Fueled Early Climate Change
A pair of scientists from the United Kingdom have found a fossilized tropical forest complete with tree stumps of one of Earth’s first forests in Svalbard, a Norwegian archipelago located between Norway and the North Pole. They also say that primitive forests such as the one they found may be one of the reasons for […]
Earth’s Atmosphere Got Its Oxygen in Periodic Bursts Over a 100 Million Year Period
For about the first 2.1 billion years of Earth’s history, its atmosphere didn’t have enough oxygen to support complex life. Scientists believe that Earth’s first atmosphere,formed after its creation, was probably made up of hydrogen and helium. Then as a result of volcanic eruptions that spewed gases from Earth’s interior, in a process known as […]
Where Does Rain Go; Ocean Organics Form Cloud Ice; Hot Peppers May Fight Cancer
What Happens to Precipitation After it Falls to Earth? Have you ever wondered what happens to rain or snow once it falls on Earth? Researchers from the University of Utah and Oregon State University analyzed measurements, taken by the Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) on NASA’s Aura satellite, of the two forms of hydrogen contained within […]
Science Images of the Month – August 2015
Researchers Map Plastic Debris in Pacific Ocean
A team of volunteers, sailing in a flotilla of some thirty vessels, has successfully completed its month long research expedition through the eastern portion of the infamous Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch. The first group of boats from the 30 vessel fleet, along with the Ocean Starr, a former NOAA research vehicle which served as […]
NASA Camera Snaps Images of the Moon Crossing Face of The Earth
Since the beginning of the space age more than 50 years ago, NASA, the U.S. space agency, has provided the world with spectacular images of our planet, solar system and universe. Now, NASA has just released an amazing ‘animated gif’ (see above) that shows the moon as it moves across of the sunlit side of […]