Fotografije dana: 2. januar 2013.

Posted January 2nd, 2013 at 9:34 pm (UTC+0)
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Central African Republic Unrest

Vojnici iz Čada bore se na strani predsjednika Centralnoafričke Republike Fransoa Bozizea. (AP)

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Fotografije dana 1. januar 2013.

Posted January 1st, 2013 at 4:25 pm (UTC+0)
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Vatican Pope New Year

Pope Benedict XVI leads his Angelus prayer from the window of his private apartment in Saint Peter’s Square at the Vatican. (Reuters)

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Fotografije dana: 31. decembar 2012

Posted December 31st, 2012 at 7:46 pm (UTC+0)
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New York Wall Street

A trader wearing ‘Happy New Year’ glasses works on the floor at the New York Stock Exchange in New York. (AP)

Egypt Daily Life

A mousque silhouetted against sunset in Cairo, Egypt. (AP)

A woman harvests sugarcane at the Montelimar sugar mill on the outskirts of Managua, Nicaragua. (Reuters)

Japan New Year

Worshipers strike a giant bell to celebrate the New Year at Zojoji Buddhist temple in Tokyo, Japan. (AP)

Australia Sydney New Year

Fireworks explode behind the Opera House during the New Year celebrations in Sydney, Australia. (AP)


Young monks have their meal in the changlie monastery in Aba prefecture, Sichuan province, China. (Tongqi Huang/China/VOA reader)

Hong Kong New Year

Fireworks explode in front of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre over the Victoria Harbor as celebrating the 2013 New Year in Hong Kong. (AP)

Central Africa Unrest

Central African Republic soldiers patrol in a street of Bangui. Authorities have enacted a curfew ahead of a possible rebel move on the city. (AFP)

NASA Stars and Space

The Hubble Space Telescope captures a spectacular image of the bright star-forming ring that surrounds the heart of the barred spiral galaxy NGC 1097. In this image, the larger-scale structure of the galaxy is barely visible: its comparatively dim spiral arms, which surround its heart in a loose embrace, reach out beyond the edges of this frame. (NASA/ESA/Hubble)

US NFL Football

Denver Broncos’ head coach John Fox (C) gets a cooler poured over his head by Wesley Woodyard (R) and Demaryius Thomas (rear, partially obscured) after winning their NFL football game against the Kansas City Chiefs in Denver, Colorado, USA, December 30, 2012. (Reuters)

Malaysia New Year

Fireworks explode near the Malaysia’s landmark Petronas Twin Towers during New Year celebrations in Kuala Lumpur. (Reuters)

Fotografije dana: 30. decembar 2012.

Posted December 30th, 2012 at 2:59 pm (UTC+0)
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Obama Fiscal Cliff

Clouds roil over the White House in Washington, D.C. as the nation’s capital has less than 48 hours to avert the “fiscal cliff,” a series of tax increases and spending cuts set to take hold on January 1, 2013. (AP)

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Fotografije dana: 21. decembar 2012

Posted December 21st, 2012 at 7:41 pm (UTC+0)
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Hong Kong

Meni na kraju sveta u jednom restoranu u Hongkongu. Večera košta 272 dolara. (Reuters)

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Fotografije dana: 20.12.2012.

Posted December 20th, 2012 at 4:23 pm (UTC+0)
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Brazil Slum Santa Claus

A police officer dressed in a Santa Claus costume, with the blue color representing the police, walks in Macacos slum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The Pacifying Police Unit, or UPP, organized for Santa to visit the pacified slum to hand out Christmas gifts to young residents. (AP)

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Fotografije dana: 19. decembar 2012

Posted December 19th, 2012 at 7:26 pm (UTC+0)
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Guatemala Mayan Calendar 2012

Majanski sveštenik-šaman, čija titula znači “čuvar dana”, pali vatru na jednoj arheološkoj lokaciji u Gvatamala sitiju pred proslavu praznika Oklajuj Baktuna 21. decembra, kada prema kalendaru Maja počinje nova era u ljudskoj civilizaciji. Arheolozi kažu da ne postoje dokazi da su Maje ikada proricale smak sveta na taj dan.  (AP)

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Fotografije dana: 18. decembar 2012

Posted December 18th, 2012 at 7:09 pm (UTC+0)
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Ecuador Volcano

Erupcija vulkana Tunurahua u Ekvadoru.(AFP)


Severnkoreanci su juče obeležili godišnjicu smrti Kim Džong Ila (desno) čija je statua statua stoji do statue njegovog oca, bivšeg predsednika Kim Il Sunga. (AP)


Južnokorejska predsednička kandidatkinja Park Geun-hi na izbornom skupu u Seulu. Park je kandidatkinja vladajuće Partije Saenuri. (AP)

Belgium Havel

Neonsko srce na ulazu zgrade Evropskog parlamenta u Briselu. Srce, visoko 15 metara, a teško 275 kilograma nalazilo se ispred gradskog dvorca u Pragu tokom prvog predsedničkog mandata Vaclava  Havela.   (Reuters)

West Bank

Spor između Palestinca i izraelskog vojnika na Zapadnoj obali blizu Nablusa. (AFP)


Hodočasnik na grobu prodavca voća i povrća čije je samospaljivanje pre dve godine pokrenulo revoluciju u zemlji i Arapsko proleće u regionu. (AFP)


Dvadeset hiljada plovećih kuglica na reci, koje simbolizuju novogodišnje želje mnogih žiteja Singapura. (Reuters)


Indijski vojnik probija se motociklom kroz staklo na otvaranju Indo-ASEAN moto relija u Guvatiju u Indiji. (Reuters)


Snimak  galaksije M33 od pre 3 miliona godina kada se posle gravitacionog kolapsa pretvorila u novo sazvežđe.  (AFP/NASA)

Forografije dana

Posted December 17th, 2012 at 5:55 pm (UTC+0)
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Italy Men Ski

Slovenački takmičar Jakov Fak (u sredini)  na startu trke od 15 km na Svetskom kupu skijaškog trčanja na Pokljuci.  Fak je osvojio drugo mesto. (AP)

Spain Financial Crisis

Protest  u Madridu protiv poluprivatizovanja zdrastvenog sistema Španije. (AP)

Somalia Religion

Noaružani učitelj Korana na času sa učenicima u jednoj verskoj školi u Dusamaribu, centralnoj Somaliji. (Reuters)

Brazil Color Run

Takmičari “Trke u bojama” u Rio de Žaneiru. Posle svakog kilometra koji prođu, takmičari budu zasipani prahom u raznim bojama. Staza je duga pet kilometara. (Reuters)

Israel Palestinians Chavez

Palestinci se mole za obolelog predsednika Ugo Čaveza u crkvi Vitlejem na Zapadnoj obali. Čavez je veliki pobornik nezavisnosti Palestine. (AP)

Japan Politics

Dosadašnji japanski premijer Jošiko Noda podnosi ostavku posle poraza njegove Demokratske stranke na upravo održanim parlamentarnim izborima.  (AP)

World Ski Men Italy

Dolomiti pred starta Svetskog skupa u slalomu u Alta Badiji, Italiji.  (AFP)

Uginuli morski pas na obali Den Helder u Holandiji. (AFP)

Afghanistan Christmas

Božićni ukrasi napravljeni od ispražnjenih metaka u garaži u nemačkoj vojnoj bazi blizu Mazar-e-Šarifa na severu Avganistana.  (Reuters)

Fotografije dana: 12. decembar 2012.

Posted December 13th, 2012 at 6:32 pm (UTC+0)
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Izgradnja novog Svetskog trgovinskog centra u Njujorku skoro je pri kraju.  Kada budu završene, dve kule od  po 104 sprata,  zameniće Svetski trgovinski centar srušen u terorističkim napadima 11. septembra, 2001. (AFP)

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