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Mobile vs. PCs; ‘Chucky’ the Teddy Bear; Smartphone Cold Wars

Posted May 26th, 2015 at 2:38 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Mobile Isn’t Killing the Desktop Internet The PC is dead? No, wait, it’s not dead – yet. Pundits have been going on for years about how mobile is killing the desktop PC and how people are increasingly using their mobile phones to get online. But according to comScore, mobile use might not […]

Reinventing Desktop PCs; New GPS; Rombertik; Smart Luggage

Posted May 5th, 2015 at 2:39 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: A Desktop Computer for Developing Countries? Mobile devices are prevalent in developing countries, particularly in remote areas with poor infrastructure and regions where power supplies are unpredictable. But the CEO of Endless Computers, Matt Dalio, has come up with a $169 desktop PC for emerging markets, equipped with app-based software and hardware […]