Today’s Tech Sightings: Old USB Drives Fight North Korea’s Media Ban The New York-based Human Rights Foundation and Silicon Valley nonprofit Forum 280 have launched a new initiative to collect USB flash drive donations and then ship them to the Koreas. Once activists in Seoul, such as the non-profit North Korean Strategy Center, receive the […]
USBs Fight N. Korea’s Media Ban; Facebook’s Dilemma in India
How Facebook Censors Some Posts; Alibaba’s Shopping Site Hacked
Today’s Tech Sightings: Facebook Censorship Under the Microscope – a non-profit looking at social media censorship – has been collecting data about posts blocked by Facebook. Surprised? There are some topics that Facebook will block if you try to post stories about them, such as drone strikes or some topics related to conflict zones. […]
Amazon Takes on Math; Bitcoin’s Future Could Be in Developing World
Today’s Tech Sightings: Think You Stink at Math? Amazon Wants to Change That Amazon, in collaboration with Stanford University and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, is launching a new initiative to help kids and teachers look at math in a more favorable way. The initiative – With Math I Can – has a […]
North Korea Online Population: 0.03 Percent; Death of the Java Plug-in
Today’s Tech Sightings: There Are Just 7,000 Web Users in North Korea That there are any people online in North Korea is refreshing. But a new survey from marketing Group We Are Social found only 7,200 Web users in the country. The survey says only about 0.03 percent of the population are allowed to go […]
iPhones Too Pricey for Poorer World; Malaysia Blocks ‘Medium’
Today’s Tech Sightings: Tim Cook Basically Admits Price of iPhones May Be Too High for World That’s Growing Poorer Apple’s earnings report shows iPhone sales declining. But CEO Tim Cook’s also conceded while addressing the report that one of the reasons for the decline is Apple’s policy of charging the highest possible prices to protect […]
Android Malware Hijacks Bank Accounts; Facebook’s Dilemma in India
Today’s Tech Sightings: Android Malware Steals Banking Passcodes, Hijacks Accounts Protected by Two-factor Authentication Internet security firm Symantec has warned that an updated Android malware, called Bankosy, can intercept one-time passcodes that help safeguard online banking accounts. While banks have moved to relay the codes by phone, instead of email, the updated malware forwards all […]
3-D-printing Damaged Heritage Sites; Scaling Mount Everest in VR
Today’s Tech Sightings: How 3-D Printers Can Help Preserve Heritage Sites Historical heritage sites have paid a heavy toll for the exploits of Islamic State fanatics in the Middle East. But a joint venture between the Institute for Digital Archaeology, Harvard University, the University of Oxford and the Museum of the Future in Dubai is […]