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iPhones Too Pricey for Poorer World; Malaysia Blocks ‘Medium’

Posted January 27th, 2016 at 11:39 am (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Tim Cook Basically Admits Price of iPhones May Be Too High for World That’s Growing Poorer Apple’s earnings report shows iPhone sales declining. But CEO Tim Cook’s also conceded while addressing the report that one of the reasons for the decline is Apple’s policy of charging the highest possible prices to protect […]

VTech Under Fire; Apple’s Awkward Battery Case Raises Eyebrows

Posted December 8th, 2015 at 11:50 am (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: VTech Slammed for ‘Unforgivable’ Security Lapse Toy maker VTech is in the crosshairs following the November hack attack that compromised account data for more than six million kids in the company’s app store. Some experts claim a lot of the stolen information was available online for a while before it was taken […]

Three-D Printing; App Fraud; Asia Eyes US Gaming Market

Posted July 23rd, 2015 at 3:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: India Needs China’s 3-D Printing Construction Technology Now Building a house in India takes about six months, on average. But recently, a Chinese company put together a 3-D-printed house in a matter of three hours. Writer Abhimanyu Ghoshal argues that India could use this technology to pare down the time it needs […]

Generation Mobile; IoT, Wearable Tech Promise; Yahoo Search

Posted June 25th, 2015 at 3:47 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Emerging ‘Gen M’ Workforce Requires a Rethink of IT Strategy A new, independent study from MobileIron that polled more than 3,500 professionals about work and personal life has uncovered an emerging demographic called “Generation Mobile” or “Gen M” that likely will require a review of traditional IT strategies. This demographic is described […]

3-D Printing; VR; Fighting Cancer With Games; Apple vs. Tattoos

Posted April 29th, 2015 at 2:36 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Your Next Hand Brace Could Be 3-D Printed Two firms – MHOX and CRP Group – have come up with an additive manufacturing process that allows them to 3-D-print flexible, waterproof material that can be used to create custom-made rehabilitation devices. How Virtual Reality is Being Used to Tackle Prejudice Prejudice runs […]

Silicon Valley Diversity; S. Korea Lifts Browser Rule; Can Tech Save Failing Aircraft?

Posted April 2nd, 2015 at 2:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Can Technology Steer a Plane Away From Disaster? The Germanwings Flight 9525 that was deliberately slammed into the French Alps last week, killing 150 people, has ignited renewed calls among aviation experts to develop and deploy software that can control an aircraft and automatically steer it to safety if it loses altitude. […]

Creating Shapes in Mid-Air; Apple in China; April Fools’ Gags

Posted April 1st, 2015 at 2:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: New Tech Creates Buttons, Shapes in Mid-Air UltraHaptics, a British company, has come up with technology that uses sound waves to project sensations of tactile, three-dimensional shapes through the air and to the user. So for example, air pressure changes are perceived as suspended, tangible interfaces. That could potentially mean a person […]

Hacking Sony; Stephen Hawking; Browser Wars

Posted December 2nd, 2014 at 2:34 pm (UTC-4)
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Today in Tech Sightings: How Intel Helped Stephen Hawking Communicate With the World Celebrated astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, Director of Research at the Center for Theoretical Cosmology in Cambridge, suffers from a degenerative motor neuron disease that has made it impossible for him to communicate with the world without the aid of technology. Now, Intel has […]

Tech Sightings, August 20, 2014

Posted August 20th, 2014 at 2:00 pm (UTC-4)
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BrightSource Solar Plant Sets Birds on Fire Federal investigators are urging a California company to put on hold its plans to expand an energy plant that concentrates solar energy to produce steam after watching birds caught between the plant’s mirrors and boilers ignite in mid air – on an average of one every two minutes. […]

Tech Sightings, May 8, 2014

Posted May 8th, 2014 at 2:29 pm (UTC-4)
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 Mobile Internet Shakes up Stodgy China Industries China is witnessing a sea of change triggered by consumers shifting their Internet surfing to tablets and smartphones. Around 81 percent of China’s 618 million Internet users go online wirelessly; and the country’s tech companies are scrambling to meet the need with mobile-friendly services. Amazon, Netflix, Tech Giants […]

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