Today’s Tech Sightings: Battle Over Facebook’s Free Basics Internet Service Intensifies in India India’s net neutrality activists are on the war path as Facebook launches a new app that offers free internet service to users of the Reliance network in six Indian states. Save the Internet (STI) members argue that there are many ways to […]
Facebook, India Battle Over Free Internet; China’s Tech Transformation
Star Wars Technologies Almost Real; Can the Internet Be Shut Down?
Today’s Tech Sightings: 10 Star Wars Technologies That Are About to Become Reality The latest long-awaited installment in the Star Wars science fiction saga hits U.S. theaters December 18. The movie – Star Wars: The Force Awakens – comes with an array of futuristic technologies that have their origins in existing technologies or have equivalents […]
Microsoft Edge Security Flaws; Surprising Numbers About Video Gamers
Today’s Tech Sightings: With Edge Inheriting One-quarter of Internet Explorer’s Flaws, Is It Any More Secure? On the surface, Microsoft’s Internet browser, Edge, is a new, faster and better reincarnation of its now-dead predecessor, Internet Explorer (IE). But writer Zack Whittaker questions the security of the new browser, given how much it has in common […]
Smart Tech Can Fight Gun Violence; Non-Verbal Autistic Users Get New App
Today’s Tech Sightings: Smart Tech Offers Ways to Reduce Gun Violence Writer Preston Gralla argues that technology might hold the key to helping save some lives from the vicious cycle of gun violence in the United States, so long as gun fanatics can be reigned in. He suggests introducing smart-gun technology with fingerprint readers that […]
VTech Under Fire; Apple’s Awkward Battery Case Raises Eyebrows
Today’s Tech Sightings: VTech Slammed for ‘Unforgivable’ Security Lapse Toy maker VTech is in the crosshairs following the November hack attack that compromised account data for more than six million kids in the company’s app store. Some experts claim a lot of the stolen information was available online for a while before it was taken […]