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Christmas in America

Posted December 23rd, 2016 at 1:50 pm (UTC-5)
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Whether you greet people by saying “Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays,” Americans will observe Christmas in some way or another on Sunday.

The multi-ethnic, multi-religious nature of the United States raised the consciousness of some to try to be more inclusive with their greetings. But the supposedly politically-correct “Happy Holidays” offends some who believe it diminishes Christmas, and those who choose to use it in their well-wishes.

Add to that legal prohibitions on publicly sponsored religious displays and events, and you have ammunition for some to wage a culture war.

Hopefully, the sentiment of peace and joy that Christmas conveys will prevail.

Sharing Christmas with the Kurds

Posted December 24th, 2015 at 10:59 am (UTC-5)
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“When I was a child the Muslims and Christians celebrated each other’s holidays. My mother put up a tree for me and my Christian friends. Most of my teachers were Christians, so were many of my classmates. We didn’t know the difference. …”

My Very Muslim Christmas

Posted December 24th, 2015 at 10:54 am (UTC-5)
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Although I am Muslim, I have a deep affection and respect for Christmas. Affection because I was raised Catholic and the holiday season is a nostalgic hug as comforting as a warm crackling fire and hot apple cider. Respect because praising the significance of the birth of Jesus is an important part of the Muslim […]

Christmas USA

Posted December 24th, 2015 at 10:46 am (UTC-5)
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It seems a bit incongruous that a country where freedom of religion is among its bedrock foundations celebrates one of Christianity’s holiest of days as a national holiday. But as a cultural, racial and religious melting pot, the United States is a country of contradictions and compromises, and culture clashes over Christmas roil that pot a bit. Despite the separation of church and state, American religion and politics often work hand-in-hand. Even amid accusations of a war on Christmas, most Americans are generally swept up by the spirit of the holiday.