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Finally, Voters Speak

Posted February 1st, 2016 at 3:18 pm (UTC-4)
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We’ve heard the speeches, watched the debates, read the polls. Today, the Iowa caucuses take place and the first votes in the 2016 U.S. presidential election are finally cast. Tonight’s exercise in democracy is not tidy, requiring detailed explanation for even the savviest political junkie. But it is the start of a process to determine who will represent the Democrats and Republicans in the race to be President of the United States. The polls show the race in Iowa tightening. But it’s not just about who finishes first. Exceeding expectations can be just as important, creating momentum for next week’s primary contest in New Hampshire.

Betting the Odds in Vegas: Democratic Hopefuls Hold First Debate

Posted October 13th, 2015 at 4:02 pm (UTC-4)
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It’s the Democrat’s turn. Tonight, the five candidates running for the party’s nomination will appear together on stage in Las Vegas. There’s a lot at stake for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, the two frontrunners who have been in a quiet sparring match for months. The former secretary of state has been the presumed Democratic nominee for months, but her status has been weakened by her own missteps and years of conservative criticis.Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ populist message of income equality has pushed his poll numbers up, making the Clinton camp nervous. Add to the mix Virginia Senator Jim Webb, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and the Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee – all potentially fiery candidates. Looming over the entire campaign is one key question: Will Vice President Joe Biden toss his hat in the ring?