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Jeb Bush: My Plan For Restoring Federalism

Posted December 9th, 2015 at 4:47 pm (UTC-4)
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Under President Obama, the pendulum has swung far to the left, with federal mandates, regulations and bureaucrats encroaching on the rights of the states and their citizens. As president, I will restore the proper balance between Washington and the states. I will honor the separation of powers…

The President’s Scary Speech

Posted December 6th, 2015 at 11:53 pm (UTC-4)
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Americans have two things to worry about. One is that ISIS killings in American will continue. The other is that Obama will refuse again to grab the moment and fail to understand the peril and lead us out of it.

‘We Will Not Be Terrorized’

Posted December 6th, 2015 at 8:48 pm (UTC-4)
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In his usual Saturday address, President Barack Obama vowed to fight acts of terror following the deadly mass shooting at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California.

Mass Shooting in San Bernardino: America’s War With Itself

Posted December 3rd, 2015 at 1:59 pm (UTC-4)
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It was frighteningly familiar: people going about their business during a typical week day when suddenly gunfire erupts, killing and wounding innocent civilians. This time it happened at a social services center in San Bernardino, California. Fourteen people are dead, numerous others wounded and two suspects – a young Muslim couple – were shot and killed by police. Terrorism has not been ruled out. Neither has the possibility that the male suspect was a disgruntled employee. Once again, President Barack Obama appeared on television to offer condolences and press for stricter gun laws. Obama also pointed out that these incidents are unique to America. “We have a pat­tern now of mass shoot­ings in this coun­try that has no
par­al­lel any­where else in the world.”

Obama Makes Statement on Mass Shooting in San Bernardino

Posted December 3rd, 2015 at 1:14 pm (UTC-4)
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President Obama made a statement to reporters in the Oval Office one day after 14 people were killed during a shooting at a social services facility in southern California.

Obama’s Reaction to San Bernardino Shootings on CBS News

Posted December 3rd, 2015 at 12:45 pm (UTC-4)
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“The one thing we do know is that we have a pat­tern now of mass shoot­ings in this coun­try that has no par­al­lel any­where else in the world.”

2015 Paris Climate Conference: Another Bad Deal for America

Posted December 1st, 2015 at 11:06 am (UTC-4)
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…The EPA and other federal agencies are forcing accelerated reductions on U.S. industries to meet harsher COP21 targets. That makes energy more expensive and encourages manufacturers to relocate to China where environmental enforcement is lax.

The Heat Is On

Posted November 30th, 2015 at 2:23 pm (UTC-4)
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Expectations are high in Paris for a deal to slow global warming. President Barack Obama laid down the gauntlet during a trip to Alaska, saying “This year, in Paris, has to be the year that the world finally reaches an agreement to protect the one planet that we’ve got while we still can.” There are hopeful signs: the debate is no longer whether or not climate change exists, but how to curb the greenhouse gases that cause it. As negotiators from 195 countries try to hammer out an agreement over the next two weeks, some experts are saying it’s a waste of time. Why? Because there is no set benchmark or standard built into the process of promising exactly how much a given country must reduce emissions. Still others say that softer approach is exactly how to convince leaders to act, if not now, then in future.

Obama: ‘This Is Not Normal’

Posted November 28th, 2015 at 6:14 pm (UTC-4)
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“If we truly care about this… then we have to do something about the easy accessibility of weapons of war on our streets to people who have no business wielding them.” President Barack Obama after shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado

Why ISIS Is Winning

Posted November 23rd, 2015 at 5:52 pm (UTC-4)
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The U.S. needs to assume a stronger role in coordinating the anti-ISIS coalition and step up its intervention in the region, both military and diplomatic. At present, ISIS is benefiting greatly from the strategic confusion among its opponents.

Obama Calls Helping Christian Refugees ‘Shameful,’ While State Claims That’s Exactly What It’s Doing

Posted November 19th, 2015 at 9:44 am (UTC-4)
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Mr. Obama’s desire to deride his critics likely got the better of him once again. But he should study the law and come clean. Helping persecuted Christians is lawful and it is moral. What’s shameful is ignoring and abandoning them—and mocking Americans who want to help them.

Refugees Another Casualty of Paris Attacks

Posted November 18th, 2015 at 3:54 pm (UTC-4)
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A group of American governors has declared it will not settle any of the 10,000 Syrian refugees the U.S. government has pledged to accept. But that position only amounts to an empty threat. State governors cannot make such decisions legally.The attempt to refuse refugees, which President Barack Obama described as a “dark impulse,” reflects a sense of fear following the devastating attacks by Islamic State militants across Paris. And it cuts to the heart of America’s historic identity: to be a country that welcomes those in great need whose lives are threatened. Despite the president’s vow to continue that tradition, others are pointing to shocking terrorist attacks at a soccer match, a concert and Parisian cafes as reason to tighten up America’s borders, lest just one terrorist slip by.

Dissecting Obama’s Islamic State Policy

Posted November 17th, 2015 at 3:20 pm (UTC-4)
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Just days after the shocking attacks by Islamic State fighters in Paris, a video allegedly by the group appeared online, declaring that Washington D.C. was its next target. Anxiety rippled through the capital city, prompting yet another round of questions about President Barack Obama’s strategy in Syria. Some pointed to Paris as an example of why the president should order ground troops to Syria: the Islamic State has not yet been defeated, observers argued, and it has proven ability to export its terrorism far away from its base in Syria and Iraq. Obama objected – again, again and, then, yet again during a press conference. From Obama’s standpoint, this fight is not solely America’s – and history shows that U.S. engagement in messy conflicts abroad haven’t done much but bring more suffering to Americans. Still the questions linger, driven by worries of an attack on U.S. soil.

War Is Interested in You

Posted November 17th, 2015 at 10:32 am (UTC-4)
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The American-led experiment meant to determine whether the Western world could live with the existence of the virulent Islamic State ended… when at least eight men armed with automatic weapons and suicide belts conducted one of the most daring and coordinated attacks on a Western target the world has seen in over a decade.

India’s Dizzying Growth Is Not to Be Ignored

Posted November 12th, 2015 at 5:36 pm (UTC-4)
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This week, President Barack Obama used a newly-established “hotline” to send India his best as it marked Diwali, the country’s famed festival of lights. That same day, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted the following: “President Obama & I look forward to meeting in Turkey during the G20 Summit.” It all sounds rather chummy. But not to economists and the like, who warn the United States is missing out on THE moment to engage more deeply with New Delhi. Why? Because this year, India surpassed China, becoming the world’s fastest growing major economy.