He also is Teflon-coated because he doesn’t have a Washington record to defend, and no one is willing to challenge his business record, which politely put, is complicated.
“VOA will present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively, and will also present responsible discussion and opinion on these policies.” — VOA Charter
Republicans’ Do-nothingness on Guns
It is one thing to be in the pocket of the National Rifle Association. It is another to do nothing and then assume a superior posture of purposeful neglect, as though do-nothingness were a policy and smug intransigence a philosophy
Here is How Obama’s Most Controversial New Action on Guns Really Works. It’s Fairly Modest.
It clarifies which gun-sellers are supposed to obtain a federal firearms license. Since guns sold by licensed dealers are subject to federal background checks, and guns sold by private sellers are not, this change, by extension, would also clarify which additional gun sales are subject to background checks.
Can Ted Cruz Actually Win?
Cruz and his strategists have an answer for doubters. With effective outreach to conservatives, he can gain the votes of the four million conservative voters who supposedly stayed home in 2012…. Republicans did just that in 1964 with Barry Goldwater as the nominee. He lost to President Johnson by 486 electoral votes to 52
How Donald Trump Destroyed the Republican Party in 2015
The party might nominate Trump, in which case the establishment will have lost all control. Or party leaders might somehow find a way to defeat him, in which case they will have lost the allegiance of much of the base. In either event, the GOP we once knew is irredeemably a thing of the past.
Do Republicans Really Want the Black and Latino Vote?
This spectacle of racial, reactionary populism, rhetoric and political protest is not a concept that is new to the theater of American politics. Comparisons abound between Trump and segregationist Democrat George Wallace or, better yet, Republican Sen. Joseph McCarthy.
12 Reasons for America’s Fascination With Trump
Like a tornado or a typhoon, the political tsunami that is Donald Trump is a complex coalescence of current and historical forces whose unforeseen speed and power threatens to wreak havoc on the 2016 political landscape.
World View: Cruz-Rubio Debate Important
The Bush Doctrine of regime change (pursued by Obama reluctantly and often in the breach) has failed repeatedly. At this point, it may be impossible to remove Assad for the foreseeable future, something the Obama team is beginning to recognize.
Why Republicans Should Hope Donald Trump Runs As An Independent
To be clear, Hillary Clinton is an equally terrifying prospect. But if Trump wins the nomination and runs as a Republican, we’ll have Democrats like Clinton in the White House for the next 50 years.
Carson Fails to Impress on Foreign Policy
…As foreign policy experience has taken on new significance in the campaign, the good doctor’s prescriptions have seemed, under sharper scrutiny, to lack much depth, inviting the view that he has little familiarity with world affairs generally.
Why Horse Race Campaign Polls Are Mostly Worthless This Far Ahead of the Voting
It’s easy to prove that early polls are lousy at predicting the ultimate outcome in a crowded race; just look at the record.
The Republican War – Over War Policy
With the exception of Rand and Trump, the GOP candidates appear to believe the road to the White House lies in resurrecting the attitude and policies of Bush II that cost them the White House.
How I Would Replace Obamacare
Under my plan, instead of an insurer directly paying all the bills, consumers would be empowered to make choices that are right for them. For instance, an asthma patient could save money by choosing a treatment costing $8,000 instead of one from a different hospital in the same city costing $34,000.
The Fox Business Debate Should Put The Focus on Growth, Jobs And Energy Independence
Let’s hope some of the GOP candidates who take the stage tonight will seize the opportunity and worry less about soundbites and displacing Donald Trump and offer ideas for energy and manufacturing growth.
Dealing With Tehran
A chorus of Republicans have charged that the U.S. gave away too much just to secure an agreement and that Mr. Obama’s diplomatic approach signaled American weakness rather than strength to our adversaries around the world. But where’s the evidence of that?