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Cortana’s Super Bowl Pick; the Wearable Future; the Dreaded AI

Posted January 29th, 2015 at 2:16 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Beware Rise of the Machines, Warns Bill Gates Adding his voice to physicist Stephen Hawking and Tesla Motors’ CEO Elon Musk on the dangers of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Microsoft founder Bill Gates said AI could pose a serious threat to humanity unless it is kept under control. Mozilla Puts Old Hardware to […]

Cuba’s Secret Internet; Wickr’s Cats; Twitter New Features

Posted January 27th, 2015 at 2:14 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: How Sensors and Drones Can Combat Global Hunger Author Shawn DuBravac argues that sensors, which have revolutionized mobile devices and are now empowering wearable technology, could potentially help alleviate world hunger. He suggests equipping food-supply wares and storehouses with sensors that raise the alarm once a shortage begins, rather than having a person […]

A Gates’ Look at the Future; Microsoft’s HoloLens; WhatsApp

Posted January 22nd, 2015 at 2:01 pm (UTC-4)
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Bill and Melinda Gates Bet Big on the Future Microsoft’s founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda paint a rosy future for the world’s poorest in their foundation’s 2015 annual letter. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s outlook foresees mobile banking transforming lives and software advances revolutionizing learning, among other things. Gaming to Death: What […]

Ebola Internet Access; Internet in Space; League of Legends Trojan

Posted January 21st, 2015 at 2:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Tech Firms Extend Internet Access to Help Ebola Treatment in Africa San Francisco-based non-profit, Inveneo, has launched a three-month initiative to connect 100 West African locations to the Internet to help fight the spread of Ebola. The group teamed up with Facebook’s data-science team to determine how to deploy its equipment in Sierra Leone, Guinea […]

Internet’s Missing Second; Skeleton Key; Android Exploits; iPhone Addiction

Posted January 13th, 2015 at 2:18 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: ‘Leap Second’ Threatens to Break the Internet According to the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service announced, the Earth’s rotation has slowed by a second. That means the planet — and its computer systems that will have to grapple with this issue – need an extra second to catch up. This is […]

Apple Malware; Biometrics; Super Cookies; CES

Posted January 8th, 2015 at 2:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: New Undetectable Apple Malware Can Infect Any Thunderbolt Device Using a new exploit called Thunderstrike, hackers can infect an Apple Thunderbolt peripheral with malware, then load it into a system’s firmware interface using the Thunderbolt device’s Option ROM. Robot Comforts Children Through Chemotherapy The robot, MEDI, short for Medicine and Engineering Designing […]

Tech Diversity; Wearable Computers; IoT Privacy Risks

Posted January 7th, 2015 at 2:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Intel Announces $300 Million Tech Diversity Initiative Given the bleak diversity numbers that keep coming out of Silicon Valley, Chip giant Intel has pledged $300 million over the next five years to increase diversity in its workforce to include more women and minorities. Intel CEO Brian Krzanich said in a speech at […]

Turning Sewage to Water; Sony CEO Speaks; Musk a Gaming Nerd?

Posted January 6th, 2015 at 2:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Bill Gates’ Plan to Help Developing World Profit From Sewage The OmniProcessor, designed by Janicki Bioenergy and funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is a new low-cost waste treatment plant that transforms sewage into clean water. Elon Musk, Gaming Supernerd When he’s not stretching the limits of space exploration or […]

Lizard Squad; Mt. Gox; Twitter; Killer Tech

Posted January 1st, 2015 at 2:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Activist plans to Air Drop ‘The Interview’ into North Korea South Korean activist Park Sang-hak reportedly plans to carpet bomb North Korea with DVD and USB copies of Sony Pictures Entertainment’s “The Interview.” But South Korean newspaper Chosun Ilbo notes that a North Korean three-star general and a dozen other officials have […]

2015 Gadgets; Mind-Controlled Robots; FireChat

Posted December 31st, 2014 at 2:00 pm (UTC-4)
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Today’s Tech Sightings: Technology in 2015 – New Gadgets Coming Your Way Watch for improved mobile payments, connected cars, smarter everyday devices and better 3-D printing, among other technological wonders this coming year. The Halting Progress of Mind-Controlled Robot Tech It’s a work in progress, although some quadriplegics have already used their thoughts to operate […]